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December 20, 2024
Project Update
The transfer of services from the existing overhead systems to the new underground systems continues to make progress.
Crown Castle has completed their work and as of December 16th, Eversource has transferred all but three properties to their new underground system. The Town continues to coordinate with Dagle Electric and Eversource to schedule the remaining cutovers for Eversource.
The Town has recently completed a walk of the project with Verizon and Comcast as those utilities follow Eversource for cutting over their overhead services to their new underground systems. Comcast is expected to start their work soon.
The goal is to continue to coordinate with the utilities so that all the existing utility poles scheduled to be removed from Wood Street to Ash Street and all the overhead wires from the Police Station to Ash Street are removed as soon as possible.
Weekly Construction Advisories will resume when there are weekly updates on the project. Until then the Town will send Project Updates as needed.